Resident population is a key fact to estimate commercial potentiality for a country or a city.
However, it has to be evaluated considering the movement of the population during day time. Especially, in metropolitan cities, the way the population circulates creates additional opportunities to expand businesses and increase market share.
In this sense, public transportation data is a reliable and dynamic tool to understand people movement during the day. In a country like Singapore where public transportation is the most preferred means of transportation, this plays a key role in assessing the potential generated by pedestrian flow.
Public transportation is providing insight into the direction and volume of people's daily movements. The flow in an area can be analyzed with the number of passengers tapping in and out at the station.
Having public transportation data by stations and hour breakdown provide a strong base to estimate daily moving population in Singapore case.
Morning (Weekday Incoming Passengers)
Morning (Weekday Incoming Passengers)

Morning (Weekday Outgoing Passengers)
Morning (Weekday Outgoing Passengers)

Lunch (Weekday Incoming Passengers)
Lunch (Weekday Incoming Passengers)

Lunch (Weekday Outgoing Passengers)
Lunch (Weekday Outgoing Passengers)

Afternoon (Weekday Incoming Passengers)
Afternoon (Weekday Incoming Passengers)

Afternoon (Weekday Outgoing Passengers)
Afternoon (Weekday Outgoing Passengers)

Evening (Weekday Incoming Passengers)
Evening (Weekday Incoming Passengers)

Evening (Weekday Outgoing Passengers)
Evening (Weekday Outgoing Passengers)

Night (Weekday Incoming Passengers)
Night (Weekday Incoming Passengers)

Night (Weekday Outgoing Passengers)
Night (Weekday Outgoing Passengers)

Weekday Daily Average Passengers
Weekday Daily Average Passengers

Weekend Day Daily Average Passengers
Weekend Day Daily Average Passengers

Below analysis provides key findings for the city moving population on hexagone level.

Weekday morning-in
In the figure, the map is detailed according to 5 intensity levels according to the number of passengers tapped in from one location in the Morning.
Hexagons reflect analysis of the data of passengers using buses within a 1 km area. Circle shows the MRT stations and square shows the LRT stations.
Areas with high intensity at morning-in usually indicate residential areas. For instance, it is seen that the parts of the Yishun region in the north, the intersection of Sengkang and Punggol regions, are at a very high level in terms of both rail and bus use. The Orchard Road region attracts attention as a generally low and medium density region in terms of the number of passengers tapping in from the stations during this part of the day.

Weekday morning-out
On the Morning-Out map, there is a density of passengers tapping out from a station in the morning. Especially when we focus on change, it is seen that there is a small change in the direction of increase in the industrial areas located in the southwestern part.
In Singapore's central region, it is seen that the intensity of morning out is “very high” and “high”, which emphasizes that it is in harmony with the excess of commercial and office areas in this region.
Weekday & Weekend

Weekday average

Weekend average
Weekdays and weekends are the sections where people's social lives differ. While the general trend is to spend time working and go to the office on weekdays, people spend more time socializing on weekends.
Considering the information provided by the Weekend data, the increase in low density areas draws attention. It is valid for all regions. This shows that people are moving less from one place to another on weekend, most likely with the effect of Covid-19
If you would like to get more granular data for Singapore, get in touch with us! You may access location based data for Singapore through CII solutions. CII provides building level data for Singapore, including age breakdown, education, growth, household size as well as projected income level, daytime population, latest annual population estimates and real estate index.