
How to pick best spot on a High Street?



X fashion retailer, is about to open a new store at Singapore Orchard Road where Daily footfall activities are high. Company is about to decide between two location alternatives where the rent prices are quite similar to each other. So far, company expanded mainly in Shopping mall locations. This will be first store opening on a high Street where pedestrian flow is high. Main challenge is to forecast the turnover for such location considering that competitors’ turnover figures varies a lot.


  • Does living population in the area enough to reach expected turnover?
  • How strong is the competition in the target zone?
  • How powerful is pedestrian flow?
Pedestrian traffic, High Street, Click and collect, Store Opening
Population, Purchasing Power, Building Population
Forecasting, Pedestrian Catchment Analysis
Retail, lorem, ipsum


CII Demographic data provides a deep understanding of demography thanks to different geographic level information (such as province, district, building). Demographic data in combination with CII sector data and purchasing power data let businesses to assess market potential in the targeted zones.

Map1 Demographic thematic mapping ( 1km zoom level) Population & Gender

Map3 Pedestrian travel time catchment zone analysis (5-10min walking distance)

Daytime population was easily gathered with accuracy through building level population. Day time pedestrian population was another crucial data to make turnover assessment. CII transport node data allows company track footfall for weekday, weekend and day breakdown.

On top of datasets, analysis tools support decision making process on a much more precise level. Travel time analysis, wheter for pedestrian or drivetime options, let company to compare different location alternatives with detailed demographic datasets. This analysis would be adjusted upon needs, by setting the ideal time for their business like pick hour or standard time.

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